alBaraka Pay

Tap, Pay, Smile! Your Key to Quick and Secure Utility Payments.​

Transaction and Payments

Streamlining Your Financial Interactions for Hassle-Free Transactions

Transaction and Payments

Streamlining Your Financial Interactions for Hassle-Free Transactions

Expenses Analysis

Insightful Tools for Smarter Financial Decision-Making

Expenses Analysis

Insightful Tools for Smarter Financial Decision-Making

Bill Payments

Effortless Management of Bills for a Stress-Free Financial Routine.

Bill Payments

Effortless Management of Bills for a Stress-Free Financial Routine.

Real-time Tracking

Monitor your expenses in real-time, categorizing transactions for a detailed overview

Transaction History

Access a detailed log of all your transactions, providing transparency and accountability

Due Date Reminders

Set personalized reminders for bill due dates, helping you avoid late fees and stay on top of your financial commitments

One-Click Recharge

Streamline the recharge process with a one-click option for quick and efficient international top-ups

AlBarakaPay offers the convenience of recharging directly from DAL kiosks, ensuring a seamless and accessible experience for users.​

Download and Install the Payment App
Effortlessly create your account using our DAL kiosks for a seamless on-boarding experience
Initiate a Transaction
Track Payment Status and Receipt